Discover the Best Outdoor Training Places: A Fitness Adventure Awaits!

Discover the Best Outdoor Training Places: A Fitness Adventure Awaits!

by | Aug 8, 2023

As a big fitness enthusiast, I’ve always found that nature offers some of the most dynamic training grounds. Not only do outdoor training places provide special ambient conditions, they also train our bodies in unique ways that gyms often can’t replicate. For that, I’ll share some of the best places to workout outdoors and a few exercises to go along with it in this article.


Garden – Your private bootcamp

Training in the garden offers a time independent availability and can often be done with the simplest means. Blankets and mats on laminate, tiles or grass allow many different exercises to increase strength, coordination and general fitness.

Natural objects such as trees, stones or even garden furniture can be used to enhance the exercise experience. However, the risk of injury or damage of the “garden training equipment” should not be underestimated. The use of gym equipment outdoors is possible but is not part of this post.


  • On the grass: Push-ups, Sit ups, Jumping jack, Squats, Mountain Climber, Lunges, Martial arts exercises
  • On mats or blankets: sit up’s, yoga, stretching exercises.
  • Natural equipment: Tree branches as pull-up bars, stones/rocks or other objects can function as weights for deadlifts and squats, Garden bench or steps for triceps dips


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Forest – Nature as gym

In comparison, the forest with its open training areas and sometimes huge running surfaces offers an ideal environment for endurance sports such as Hiking, Nordic walking, Mountain biking and much more. For example, trail running offers an unpredictable terrain, challenging your stamina and agility. Or fallen logs or large branches near forest paths can be excellent for exercises to improve your strength and balance. Of course, the forest and wildlife should not suffer any damage in the process. The risk of rotten branches or twigs or sudden animals can also increase the risk of injury.


  • Endurance: Trail running, Jogging, Hiking, Mountain biking, Swimming in lakes
  • Strength: Fallen logs/large branches for: step-ups, bench presses, log lifting
  • Balance: one-legged squats or simple balance exercises.


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Beach – Sand Under Your Toes and a Fitness challenge

In my opinion, the beach as a training ground contains a special challenge compared to the garden or forest. Depending on the sand, running exercises, jumping exercises as well as complex forms of movement can represent an increased degree of difficulty, which many joggers or also beach volleyball players can confirm. Training on the beach should also be done preferably in the early morning hours or towards evening, when the hot summer sun is over and the number of possibly distracting tourists has decreased. Individual training as well as many partner or group trainings (for example volleyball, football, badminton, frisbee etc.) are possible on the sand.


  • Endurance: Running, Jogging
  • Plyometric Workouts: Think burpees, jump squats, and sand sprints
  • Yoga: sunset yoga sessions (calming sound of waves)


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City Scapes – Urban Jungle Gym

In my opinion, the most difficult place for outdoor training activities is the big city. If there is no forest or park in the immediate vicinity, the almost only option for outdoor exercise is a gym with an outdoor area, an open training ground or sports field, and an outdoor sports park. However, stairs, railings, or free-standing park benches can include alternative training options such as in the woods. So, you need to be creative. In groups or with a training partner, other sports are also possible such as: tennis, soccer, volleyball, basketball, frisbee, etc.


  • Brisk walk, Jogging: for an elevated heart rate
  • Stair Workout: long staircases for cardiovascular training
  • Park Benches: Ideal for triceps dips, step-ups, and elevated push-ups
  • Railings: Find parallel railings for body rows or modified pull-ups
  • Outdoor sports park: for strength training


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Embracing the Universal Gym

The beauty of outdoor training is that the world becomes your gym. With no sophisticated equipment needed, every location offers its unique set of challenges. A study by the National Institute of Health highlighted the psychological benefits of outdoor workouts, stating that individuals who train outside experience reduced stress, depression, and a boosted mood.



National Institute of Health. Psychological benefits of outdoor workouts


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